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James "Denting" Deng- Unbreakable VII

Frankly, I am shocked. I saw the name and thought…. There is no way there is an Asian football player at Harvard. I have seen some Jamaican guys, also at Harvard, that have Asian last names. I have seen Polynesians which are Asianish... However, clicked on the name and WOW. Not only is he Asian and a Football player, but he is a sidewalk cracking 6’4 290lbs of Asian man. Seeing James Deng made me completely rethink how I wanted to do this… However I have only looked through about 10 Rosters so he may not be the unicorn . Nonetheless, Denting Deng is here and he will be my new Unbreakable for he completely fits my criteria. (minority-check-football player-check-other side of the bell curve -- top school, excellent athlete, socially conscious and gives back to the community- check- escapes all CTE Logic-- check)

He played Double Bass in high school (pic below cause I had no idea what a double bass was.. I have heard of bass booster on the radio.. oh wait, most people do not even know what a radio is any more.. But the bass booster provided the double bass that was always used when you wanted to get that extra sound out of your cassette… the good old days. ) He was not only the double bass player but he played on the O-line. He was the Old Saybrook High School Valedictorian, and AP Scholar.. and won the American Mathematics award. So this dude was athlete, musician and super student. .. Wow.

James played football at Harvard while having a major in- Human Evolutionary Biology with a secondary concentration in Music At Harvard he played football and was a jazz bassist. He ran for Class Marshal ( and it shows his gregarious and fun side as he did what he had to do to win the student class votes. . For kicks he interned at Yale In the Department of Molecular Cellular and Developmental Biology. Yeah seems like this was get a way from the easy course work at Harvard.. So why not go an intern at Yale. I was close to getting into Yale myself.. but I could not convince them to add my two SAT scores together. If they did, I would have been in the top 99 percentile of all time… yeah.

James Deng was an assistant and analyst before getting his career going at Clairon where he has been since 2013. However, james always finding ways to stretch his time is also a Big Brother at the Big Brother and Sisters of Massachusetts Bay. Gift Student-athlete AND a person.

It was interesting finding out what I did find out about and I hope to get more info on him in the future.

BUT for now, he is my new Unbreakable VII


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